Sportshouse invites clients to visit modern sports club, which distinguishes with it’s modern design and new equipment of good quality.
Here you will find cardio zone with multi-functional running tracks, steppers, ellipsis machines, bikes and rowing machines. You will also find two individual zones, in which you can do different physical stretching, therapeutic, yoga exercises, etc. without shoes on softened basement. Gymnastics wall in a gym will provide with a possibility to do even more exercise for posture improvement.
Free weights zone
Is equipped near extremely big mirrors. Weighs assortment is from minimal of 1kg to the most powerful of 50kg weighs.
Free motion machines zone
Free motion machines are multi functional equipment, with the help of which we can train different muscles groups. Uniqueness of these unique machines is that different muscles groups can be loaded during the performance of one exercise (with one motion) i.e. eg.: when stretching a thigh, upper arm can be stretched at the same time.
Stationary machines zone
Sportshouse also has stationary machines, thus, amateurs of sport classic will find suitable inventory for themselves as well.
However, according to state of the art technology, the gym is completely filled with free exercise equipment. These simulators train the forgotten and vital human qualities of balance and coordination. Therefore, these simulators can be used to perform movements that are close to a specific sport (eg, kicking a football player, waking up a baseball player, simulating the beating of a ball, etc.). The uniqueness of these unique trainers is that it is possible to exercise different muscle groups during one exercise (one movement), i.e. for example: thigh extension can be done at the same time. So, there is a growing interest amongst fitness enthusiasts! You are fascinated by the variety of exercises you do, the ability to change the angle of motion (in one exercise) and, of course, the full benefits for your physical body.