Massage studio by Valenta


Whether you are looking to relax, release physical and mental stress or simply enjoy a wonderful massage with qualified specialist, you will find it here!

Contact us for more information and to schedule your first session with us!

Sports massage – full body moving massage to help relax and forget stiff or sore muscles. This massage is not only for those who are actively exercising or experiencing high levels of physical activity, but also for those who are under constant physical strain and fatigue. It is a powerful stimulating massage for all muscle groups, performed with fast, strong and deep movements that warm up the muscles.

Effects of massage:

  • helps relieve muscle tension;
  • increases muscle elasticity and flexibility;
  • reduces fatigue and provides energy;
  • for athletes, it helps you get better prepared for exercise and recover faster after heavy exercise.

Classical massage – the body is massaged in a certain order and the skin is directly affected during the massage.

Effects of massage:

  • removal of squamous epidermal cells, improvement of sweat and sebaceous glands;
    massage improves blood circulation;
  • reduces joint, back and headaches;
  • improves ligament elasticity and joint flexibility;
  • restores working capacity, physical and mental strength of man.

Back massage – after the massage course, back pain decreases or disappears, tension is removed, headaches do not recur. Recommended for sedentary people with spinal and joint diseases, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, central nervous system, postoperative, trauma, as well as for the prevention of these diseases. The massage is effective after an intense workout in the gym, because it relaxes the muscles and removes lactic acid from the muscles.

Effects of massage:

  • relieves muscle fatigue;
  • improves blood circulation, metabolism;
  • healing processes are promoted;
  • helps to recover after a busy day.

Anti-cellulite massage – modeling the figure is an effective way to fight cellulite, applied to reduce the uneven subcutaneous layer of certain problem areas – thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Effects of massage:

  • promotes metabolism and blood circulation;
  • removes toxic substances from the body;
  • smoothes, tightens the skin.